The first questionnaire — given at the beginning of the

5 min readNov 28, 2020


You’re probably struggling to think of a single thing. And that’s kinda strange, right? You and God have the exact same opinions about life, the universe, and everything? You align on every hot button issue tearing our country apart right now?

You can organize Jupyter Notebooks side by side (or even three Notebooks vertically or horizontally). You can also move Jupyter Notebooks (or any window) so that it takes less visual space — useful for the Console.

And this creates theological echo chambers and cultural feedback loops in which a person’s view of God is continuously reinforced while any valid criticism is interpreted as an attack on God Himself.
Usually, we organize related Notebooks together in a folder. In order to access them, we need to go through the directory structure in the File Browser, which is cumbersome.
Mama had been having babies since she was seventeen and, for most of her life, Opal had been a little mommie. Washing diapers, soothing colicky fussing and wiping snot just reinforced Opal’s decision to get the hell out of Kentucky before she wound up pregnant. By the eleventh grade, she was seeing her classmates begin to marry off and start their own families. Not Opalene, by God! Even Daddy had been on her side. No one read her stories with the attention that he did.

JupyterLab’s Workspaces comes in handy when working on multiple projects at the same time. Workspaces come builtin with JupyterLab so no third-party extensions are needed.More determined than ever, she took on two more classes the next semester and began sending out applications to regular four-year schools. She had plans. Her stories had been published in The Mountain Eagle and even in The Herald up in Democrat, the next town over. But she was pretty sure she wasn’t going to amount to anything as a writer if she stayed down here in these hills; she had to get out into the world and do some living so she’d have something for real to write about, not just stuff about these people she knew up in the hollers and down along the blacktop.Usually, we organize related Notebooks together in a folder. In order to access them, we need to go through the directory structure in the File Browser, which is cumbersome.

Opalene Lewis stared out the window of the bus through the sleet. She ached with homesickness even as she recognized her own narrow escape. Then she caught sight of that huddled man asleep out there on the steam grate. Setting her jaw, she reached for the conviction that she’d made the right choice.

While Full-Screen editing in JupyterLab looks great, I rarely use it as it hides browser tabs, which makes browsing the web difficult. Multiple screen setup might help to overcome this issue.

At the end of the semester, McKnight compiles the results of both surveys and shares them with the class. Without fail, there is little to no deviation between how the students perceive Jesus and how they perceive themselves.

When she graduated from high school, Opal set her sights on the community college up in Lexington and tried to ignore the increasing attention from Carl Andrew Kaiser. Carl Andrew was just desperate to get her to marry him, kept going on about how incredible her blue eyes were and what pretty babies they’d have. He’d twist a lock of her dark, curly hair around his finger and just smile and smile. Now Carl Andrew was a fine young man with sandy-colored hair and a real nice way about him but Opal was determined not to fall into the same trap her mama had. Daddy and Mrs. Pettigrew over at the high school both told her to keep up with her writing and to make sure her grades stayed good and high and she worked hard to do that.

We naturally seek out faith communities that will cater to (or at least tolerate) our preferred version of Jesus. And thus, we surround ourselves with like-minded people who will rarely challenge our beliefs, values, and priorities.

She received her acceptance letter from Cleveland State University the same week that Carl Andrew and Rebecca’s wedding announcement appeared in The Herald. She threw the paper in the trash and ran with the acceptance letter all the way to Mrs. Pettigrew’s. She thought they’d both start crying, so they both just laughed all the harder and hugged and had ginger snaps. Screw that Carl Andrew, she thought, all the way home down through the short cut to Dutchman’s Holler from Indian River. And screw Rebecca Hollins, too, for that matter! In five years Rebecca’d be fat and bitchy, chasing four or five snotty little kids around that big, double-wide Carl Andrew’s daddy bought for them. And Opalene Lewis would be on her way to being a real writer.

To code without distractions try Full-Screen editing with JupyterLab. It works great on macOS. When using it, it is hard to distinguish JupyterLab from a full-fledged IDE.
Her first semester at the college was exciting, but it was getting harder and harder to concentrate on her work. Carl Andrew was over nearly every night and finally even Daddy was talking about how she’d be a fool to let him get away. Redoubling her efforts, Opal began refusing to see Carl Andrew when he’d come over, ignoring the stab under her heart when she saw him driving down from Indian River with that Rebecca Hollins sitting there next to him, looking all smug and pleased with herself.

To create a new Workspace (or access the existing one) simply add to the URL: /workspaces/blog. With this, you would access (or create) a blog Workspace. A full URL is http://localhost:8888/lab/workspaces/blog.

McKnight concludes, “The test results suggest that, even though we like to think we becoming like Jesus, the reverse is probably more the case: We try to make Jesus like ourselves.”
“Plenty of people in the church and outside it have made up a ‘Jesus’ for themselves, and have found this invented character makes few real demands of them. He makes them feel happy from time to time but doesn’t challenge them, doesn’t suggest they get up and do something about the plight of the world. Which is, of course, what the real Jesus had an uncomfortable habit of doing.”

Halfway through the semester, McKnight has his students fill out the second questionnaire. Using slightly different language, the second survey asks the students to describe themselves, their personalities, and the values and issues they think are important.

Over time, these faith communities solidify into politically-powerful demographics with established social hierarchies that reward those who align with, don’t challenge, and/or vow to preserve the cultural norms of the community.

